Monday, April 13, 2015

In the beginning was the blog...

Running in sheer delighted abandon, arms flailing like a kid storming through a Toys-R-Us. This is how I've been attacking my 'can't-wait-to-do-when-I-retire' list. It's been one exciting, whirlwind so far and I've loved every minute of it!

Close to the top of the cocophony of curious 'wanna do's' that is my list, is writing, which has been a long, deep-seated dream since I was a little girl sitting in my bedroom writing stories about elephants onto bits of folded papers, then gluing them together to make my own book.

At this stage, I have no plans to begin any formal writing career; but, with a fair amount of experience tucked under my belt, positive drive, imagination, curiosity, and a bit more optimism than good sense, I've decided to at least give it a try! After all, why not?

It seems more people are on their computers today than are watching TV and most of them are writing blogs, as well. I wouldn't have thought reading the muffle and bother that goes on in the heads of people I don't know would be of any interest to me, but surprisingly, many I've been reading lately are very interesting, entertaining and quite informative. I think I'm a fan of this new art form!

It seems putting what's in your head and heart on a public page that can be read by others (most of whom you don't know) is the ultimate truth or dare. You effectively lay yourself bare to the criticisms and opinions of others. To know this and do it anyway is either one of the bravest things I can imagine doing or evidence of a seriously flawed self-protection instinct.

Either way, I think I have to give it a try...

Hopefully, the whole 'what-to-write-about-in-a-blog' thing will be figured out as I go along. Just getting what's happening in my head to stream through finger tips and end up popping out on the virtual paper in front of me is just sort of cool {big smile!}.

And yes, I just wrote an emoticon! Being that this is my blog from my bucklist, I can do that...I don't have a boss to tell me I can't and I'm too old and independent to be threatened with a 'someone important may not like it' concern... and I'll probably be doing a lot of it {said with one brow cocked while pulling a half-crooked smile}.

Oooo, and colors! Colors might be good! Yes, this might even be more fun than I first thought!

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