Leaving Deer Lodge, MT. Next stop,

Stopped at a little cafe in Deer Lodge. Great view of the mountains while I sipped my coffee.
We had at least as many semi's of all kinds ahead and behind as there were cars.
It was slow going when we were climbing the 6+ degree incline going up, but it got REALLY exciting when we crested and started on the way down! Did I mention SEVERAL hair-pin turns in the deal?
There were 3 semi's, one pulling pups, right on my tail... Visions of what Gypsy and I would look like as highway pancake danced through my head the whole way down.
Excellent crash course in how NOT to break too much and just when to dodge to the next lane by watching the expressions on the truckers faces in my rearview mirror.
Yep, I'm laying here sipping my glass of cabernet (maybe a little bigger one than usual) and being one really thankful woman, one with a few more gray hairs on my head than was there yesterday, but just really glad to be here.
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