Where should I start?
I've discovered, as time dances on in the mystical way that it does, so many possibilities bubbling to the surface. Things in life are more exciting than ever, it seems! Sometimes I feel like a magpie collecting precious things, shiny objects that suit me and my fancy ;)
I've taken up vaping! No kidding! And it's a whole new kettle of stars and delicious bits of fun. It's also a great way to use the CBD oil that's replaced the pharma drugs I used to use to control the pain and problems associated with the fibromyalgia condition with which my body deals).
Roller skating... Yes! It's true :) What a wonderful feeling, how could I have forgetten?! Pink roller skates (quads) and padded from head to foot, my body has been reteaching itself how to balance and glide on wheels again. Too much fun!!

Picked up a 3/4 sized guitar in a small shop in Colorado the other day. I love to 'try' to sing. As a young single mother, I taught myself to chord. On a cheap guitar I picked up for a song and a dance I entertained myself in my earlier days. I'd take the boys to the park to play then sit under the trees with my guitar and play and sing folk songs.
I still have the 4 or 5 stories I've started always floating around in my head. They swirl and skitter in and out of the shadows playing and teasing. When one gets close enough to the surface of my awareness, little bits are added, characters get filled out a little more, the storyline progresses, then it slips away. It's like petting a cat, one stroke, two... that's enough and it's off like a light.
Painting... Ah painting <3 It's my heart, painting. My go-to when I need to find myself or, at least, begin the search when I temporarily am mislaid. I've put down a couple faces through the use of oil and brush. There are several lined up waiting... They've spoken to me and want to come through me onto canvas. We'll find a place, a time soon to enter that create-space...
Then there's blogging. What's this all about, really? Such a curious thing. Isn't it?
What drives us (or some of us anyway) to need or want to write down or share this way? No matter, life has taken me to the place where I tend to trust what my instincts whisper in my ear. Maybe we write down our bits of life for posterity. Does our inner selves know something, we don't? Is our time on this planet, in this realm getting shorter? Or is it just part of being a human being that we organically reach out to other souls and want to connect?
Well, for whatever reason, It feels right to do... so doing it I am :)
So I think we're all caught up.
Peace, love, clarity, balance and more than anything joy to all who pass my way. Keep learning, keep seeking your best self. Talk to you sooner... or later :)
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