Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Day After Christmas and No Creatures Are Stirring... Beginning New Year's Wish List 2016

Sitting in my living room this morning listening to the rain pelt my roof overhead. Framed in the window beside me, I watch my backyard become clean and new from the sheets of rain that wash it and I think of the coming new year and the goals I want to set.

It's quiet in the house, still and waiting with only the sound of my keys clicking on my laptop. Thoughts of the end of the year and contemplating what the New Year's List should hold flutter in my head. For me, it seems 2015 held a jumping-off spot for a couple of wonderful possibilities. Believing that one thing is intended to lead to the next and then the next, I look back over the events and the directions they seem to point toward and feel excited.

{A huge silly grin spreads across my face}

No words can express what a wondrous and exciting thing the discovery of story-writing has been for me. Worlds of possibilities have appeared. Isn't it funny how there's no time limit on new awakenings in life?

Being willing to accept that first glimmer of hope that I might actually be able to presume myself into the role of the one 'writing' the story, not just the one 'reading' it seemed to catch me totally off guard. Hearing it, seeing it take shape was like a fantasy idea that must have been intended for someone else. Actually agreeing to accept it for myself created a paradigm shift. It altered they way I expected this stage of my life would look.

Whether the stories I endeavor to write ever find a home in anyone elses library, just the fact that the stories from my heart and mind will be given birth is miracle enough.

I truly think 'believing' is the key word. It's certainly not just for me but for anyone who is willing. It carries such hope and promise and is so often hard to utter when attached to ourselves.

I wish for everyone that most ancient and powerful miracle of 'belief.'  I believe it's the door and the answer to so many things in life. I pray you allow your most cherished and secretly wished for dreams to be anointed by this magical elixir. It has the sacred properties that awaken our silent and seedling desires and cause them to begin to take shape—it breathes life into them.

Another thing has recently happened, an old and dear part of myself has resurfaced or returned. The desire to paint, to create, to capture in color and form what wells up in my heart and soul has returned. The place it once lived since before I had memories had been dark and quiet. Now it's occupied. There's warmth and life there again. It's found its voice, and is singing fresh and clear. I can't offer adequate thanks. I feel whole again.

To those who've not experienced this kind of urge or passion, and the subsequent misery and barrenness with it's absence, my expressions may seem a little silly, maybe too dramatic; but there will also be those whose hearts will thrum and shimmer in recognition of the joy I've tried to describe with the returning of it, like something most precious and most loved returning after believing it to be gone forever, my ability to describe it is most insufficient and lacking.

My list will include goals and dreams concerning both of these, better follow-through on goals of caring for my health is always on top of the list as is doing a better job of expressing my love to family, both those of blood and from choice. I also pray and set intention in agreement with all my spiritual brothers and sisters for the united elevation of our worlds soul.

I encourage you, don't hesitate when composing your New Year's Goals and Wish List for 2016, sprinkle your most secret and guarded dreams generously with 'belief' and accept my wishes for a Wondrous and Magnificent New Year!

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