Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Fiddling Around with Twitter...

Eight am, first cup of coffee, checking in with Facebook folks (I love those people!). Currently, life is pointed in the direction of improving whatever writing skills I possess...so much to learn! One of tools that seem most helpful is Facebook writing groups. Like running a relay where the baton passes from one to the next, I end up redirected to individual sites and blogs on specific topics-- how to write fantasy worlds, characters mainly. Then, Twitter pops up, which is a whole new bucket of worms for me.

Just to be honest here, I have no idea why we spend the time we do on Twitter, except for the way it connects you (in tiny, bite-sized thoughts) to people you've never met or talked to before who may or may not also share a particular passion or interest on a totally superficial way, what is it good for? I suppose if we didn't already have Facebook, it might make a little more sense.

There's just a lot of pros and cons when I really start thinking about it though... There's not enough space to give a complete thought, but then again, there's no 'content police' that decides whose conversations, among your friends and followers/ed, you will get to read.

Ten am, second cup of coffee coming up, I'm tired of looking for the cool Blogger template I found on an amazing Blogger site I found and saved to 'favorites' just a minute ago and have decided to talk to my stark white Blogger page for a bit.

Well, time to get on with it, go pick up Gypsy from the RV doctor. Leaving for a trip to Lake Erie in a few days. Dropping my sister-in-law off at relatives for a visit then I'm heading further north to wander, read, write and visit a dear friend of years on Facebook. She's become a really special person to me even though we've never met. Yeah!

Hope it's a good day for all. Love and Blessings

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